Course curriculum

    1. Intro

    1. Taxes

    2. Quote Terms & Conditions

    1. Customers Overview

    2. Consider accounting

    1. Invoicing Fundamentals

    2. Rolled Up pricing vs Broken Down Pricing

    3. Accounting Status Logic in Hoops

    4. Making Changes to an Invoice

    5. Xero - Connecting to Xero & Workflow

    6. Xero - Troubleshooting

    7. Xero - Sending PO to Xero

    8. Quickbooks Online - Connecting & Invoicing Workflow

    9. Quickbooks Online - Troubleshooting

    1. Stripe Fees

    2. Stripe Integration Overview

    3. Connecting to Stripe

    4. Stripe & Accounting

    5. Failed Payments

About this course

  • Free
  • 19 lessons
  • 0.5 hours of video content

Become a pro with the Hoops Onboarding Course.

Clear & concise 1-5 minute video lessons will make you a Hoops pro! You can start the course and come back to it anytime. Plus, it's 100% free